Rife Machines are fast becoming a popular and effective method of dealing with many of the health challenges of today.

With alternative health becoming the norm in many households to day and many practitioners looking beyond pharmaceutical drugs for solutions, Rife frequency type units are becoming essential in the modern medicine cabinet of both the practitioners and the home user.

The aliXXor is a true Home Health System, it is easy to use, quick to set up and store away. It not only runs all the popular healing frequencies but it makes Colloidal SilverStructures Water and runs the Beck Blood Cleanse Protocol.

The unique features of the aliXXor allow you to save your favorite frequency sequences for later use, check on your history to see what frequency sequences you have used and a wide range of customizable features to make your own sequences, vary the run times for each frequency, pulse the frequencies or have them run steady, vary the output and pause to allow for those pesty interruptions.

You can scan across a range of frequencies or wobble a cross a frequency to cover the frequencies immediately adjacent to the the one you are targeting.

The AliXXor Deluxe comes with a massive 2000 plus preprogrammed sequences, you simply select the condition you want to treat and press RUN. Then sit back and watch your favorite television series while the aliXXor goes to work.